Home > Uncategorized > Announcement: The ‘BurbWatch Project Commentary

Announcement: The ‘BurbWatch Project Commentary

Well, now that http://www.burbwatch.com.au is now the official site for The BurbWatch Project Charts (both listings and price, and corresponding analytical charts), I’ve given in to my desire to do some commentary.

I will still keep the .com.au site and this WordPress blog site separate, however – I still want people to be able to consider the data-laden charts as a separate offering, free from too much interpretation (human objectivity is an illusion after all!)

Here, at the BurbWatch WordPress site, I will attempt to make some analytical-level interpretations of the BurbWatch data/charts. This means that I will try to interpret the data as one who is dis-interested in what the broader economic, social and political outcomes might be – as hard as that is, I will do my best to do exactly that. I might consider such further commentary at my Angles on Economics site…should I actually ever get around to that.

I have been wanting to do some semi-frequent commentary on the BurbWatch data for quite some time now, but have not really gotten around to it; so I am quite looking forward to this.

It will only be small articles, I believe – I simply don’t have the time to do much more. But, nonetheless, I will try to produce at least one short article per week, and hopefully cast some more light on the data and basic analyses that I have been producing for just over one year now (!!).

I hope you will enjoy the commentary I give, and I don’t mind if you feel you would like to make your own comments.




Categories: Uncategorized
  1. Jacks Money
    November 1, 2011 at 5:40 am

    Well done Stewart, good luck in the continued excellence.

    • November 1, 2011 at 11:52 am

      Thanks, John.

      Hopefully I can throw shed some light….

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